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Field Update – June 1st, 2020

So far this season has been decent. We lost some zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, bush beans, carrots and peas early on, but now we are smooth sailing.

We have about 20lbs of spinach in the fridge, and we should have about 15 lbs of Spring Mix in a couple of weeks. We also have carrots, beets, garlic, strawberries, cucumber, kale, romaine, turnip, radish, green and yellow beans, and more spinach planted.

At the side of the house we are setting up some raised garden beds for tomatoes and basil production. Pictures will be posted in the next few weeks.

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Spring 2019

I’ll be back at Trail’s End Market every other week starting in late May. I’ll also be offering purchases online, along with free delivery to the London, Ontario area (some restrictions will apply, such as minimum order totals).

This year will be my first year at this new plot, so the yields may vary. I am also limiting myself to 3100sqft (1/10 acre) of growing space (550sqft more than I used in 2017).

On the docket for vegetables are:

  • Arugula
  • Beans
  • Beets
  • Butternut Squash
  • Carrots
  • Chard
  • Cherry Tomatoes (late Summer)
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Micro-greens (Amaranth, Mizuna, Kohlrabi, Red Cabbage)
  • Patty Pan Squash
  • Peppers
  • Radish
  • Spring Mix
  • Spicy Spring Mix
  • Spinach
  • Turnips
  • Zucchini (both yellow and green)

For herbs I’ll have:

  • Basil*
  • Chamomile
  • Echinacea
  • Hyssop
  • Thyme

Most herbs will be available as individual plants. *However, basil will be available by the bag as well.

There is also a small chance we will have some:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Grapes
  • Peaches (more likely than not)
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Watermelon

I look forward to seeing you all this summer!!

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My First Farmer’s Market Experience at Trails End Farmer’s Market

I ran my first Farmer’s Market booth at Trails End Farmer’s Market last Saturday, between 10am and 5pm, which was a great success!

However, I would like to extend an apology to anyone who bought the Spring Mix, as it was not properly dried before bagging, and has already started going bad. From previous experience, the Spring Mix should last at least a week, if not 2 weeks, in the fridge. I will ensure all future produce is properly dried before bagging and selling.

I may be back at Trails End this Saturday, July 22nd, depending on yields, but I will definitely be back on the 29th. Also, I won’t have any cherry tomatoes available this weekend, but I should have plenty on the 29th.

I will be changing the way we sell Basil from now on. I will be providing full Basil plants, in biodegradable sacs, at $1 each, due to lack of interest in larger quantities.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who came out to Trails End on July 15th. I was so pleased with the reception and feel that this endeavor will definitely work, so I will be expanding (4X) next year; moving up from a 1/16th acre to a 1/4 acre. I had some really great conversations with some people at Trails End, and I’m really happy everything has come together the way it did.

You will be seeing me a lot more in the future!

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How To Compost Effectively

I have done a lot of research into soils and composting, and I’m always working towards creating the best possible solution for growing healthy, organic food.  Through this research I have found and put into practice the following solution(s) to create amazing soil.

There are two types of composting, hot and cold.  Therefore, you will want to have two bins or designated areas, one for each type.

Hot Compost

Your hot pile is for your coffee grounds.  To your hot pile you will want to collect and mulch leaves in the fall.  You need to mulch/shred the leaves or they will act like mini tarps, slowing down the process greatly; which may be suitable if you have a plethora of leaves, space, and time.

If you don’t have any leaves available, you can add the coffee grounds to your cold pile for now.  Once you get some leaves, start adding and mixing in coffee grounds as needed.

Cold Compost

Your cold pile will be for your kitchen’s uncooked food scraps.  To your cold pile you will want to buy and add some Red Worms, which can usually be purchased from a fishing-bait shop.  The end result of this cold composting technique are called Worm Castings.

Hot & Cold

The outcome of these techniques provides you with the 1st (from cold composting) and 2nd (from hot composting) best soils you can make naturally.

Side Note

Another method to create good soil is to use twigs from the tops of trees.  However, I have not yet attempted that method.  And being twigs, I’d assume they would take a little while longer to break down.  They would be a good addition to garden pathways, though.  But you would probably have to buy them, unless you’re very tall, and they can be expensive.

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Tatsoi Salad

Our Tatsoi didn’t do as well as I had hoped, but still managed to get ~200g from the first cut.  Most of the leaves received some bug pressure, so it was in no shape to sell.  However, I used it to make an awesome salad, along with Radish, Avocado, Cucumber, and my sister’s special vinaigrette.  The taste was so good, and the radishes were almost sweet tasting!